“Soylent Green” is people…2022

Elizabeth O’Carroll
3 min readJun 7, 2020

5G, honey bees, riots & crowd control, viruses, “plandemic”…can we just step back a minute?


“Soylent Green” (is people)

I remember watching this movie when I was a kid (maybe 10 years old).

In the movie…I was horrified that the year 2022, our food supply was gone and people ‘donated’ their bodies to be made into squares of ‘soylent green’ and fed to the starving population. I connected it to our honey bees.

5G has rolled out 60 satellites in 2019. Birds are dropping from the sky and bees are dying.

Photo credit: DDees.com

They have ‘magnetite’ in their beaks (birds) and bodies; just like we have in our brain. You can think of this element as our innate GPS. Bees get lost, birds have strokes, and people’s myelin sheath that protects/insulates muscle and nerves; will dissolve away. Leaving people, and nature….dead..’de-populization’…..

So, while the world gets distracted by viruses and protests, unemployment ect., the wealthy are deploying the next wave of satellites to be launched in the next 5G “Roll Out”….they will get wealthy and tell us all these ‘smart meters’, super fast Wifi, “ Crowd Control” , driverless cars are all for the quality of our life……isn’t that nice?

As a result, in 5 years 80% of our bee population will be dead and that accounts for 75% of our food production. (enter Soylent Green).

5G summit photo credit: https://the5gsummit.com/

We already have driverless shipping trucks/cars (taking our truck driver jobs), super fast computers ( do we really need it?) “Smart Homes” that monitor for ‘energy efficiency’ (really? or just monitored?) chips in everything to monitor data and record in the ‘cloud’….AI is coming…

So, I am okay with having an AI hologram for a companion…(okay, not really) and I have nothing to hide if they want to record everything I do….(how boring is that?!) However, when it comes to killing nature and people with untested vaccines and technology…so others can gain wealth and build stuff…..I do have a problem with that.

Back to Soylent Green…so….the movie showed people rioting for food and it looked just like the protests globally now — -angry desperate, frustrated, exhausted people…and based in the year 2022. (with 1970’s cars!) They had a nice ‘place’ where you can go ‘pick’ your favorite color, nature scene, music and nice lethal cocktail…fall asleep and separate soul from body. Hhhmmmm….I know which one I would choose and it wouldn’t be the rioting and starving crowds. Quality of life just left the building.

Empower yourself….do your own research and just ‘step back’…take a breath…research and find your answers, your tribe, change doesn’t start with violence….it is subtle...peaceful…knowledgeable….solutions and not problems. People and nature first….not technology….and love each other…

There you have it…a window of an epiphany , my mind pulled up this movie memory and made a connection and I wanted to share with all connected beings..….now I will search as to how I can be ‘part of the solution and not the problem.”

Shouldn’t love be the answer and not fear? Sending you love…



Elizabeth O’Carroll

Avid life “experiencer!” Masters in Education, Rehabilitation Counselor, Ministry of Metaphysics, Author & solo world traveler. Learning, loving & evolving! xxx